Live Showcase || Thursday 3rd May 2018 || Albert’s Schloss || 10pm onward
2018 is galloping along like a well-bread racehorse, wouldn’t you say? The weather is becoming… less intemperate (sunshine, wahoo!) and the old ice is slowly melting, doo doo doo doo…
Why not celebrate the inevitable changing of the seasons with a trip to see (and hear) the Gillan Edgar 4 piece band live and direct in the jewel of the Northwest, Manchester. Stirring up a right old kerfuffle in Peter Street’s premiere live venue, we’ll be smashing out the standards and the not-so-standards – with the usual open invitation for your most improprietous requests…
The band is scheduled to start at 10/10:30, with free entry to the best Thursday night spot for tasty beers and other delectable boozes, smashing food and the only panacea to your pop-starved lug-holes… The Gillan Edgar Band!
All the best as ever,
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Albert’s Schloss, Peter Street, Manchester – Thursday 3rd May 2018