How do!

I’ve had a nice little mention on Gold Standard Photography’s blog and feature in some of Kyle’s brilliant photos that showcase the frenzy we can whip up when we’re given the chance!

Andy, the groom, conducts and arranges for the Manchester Show Choir. His special request for his and Sophie’s first dance was that we play accompanied by a stripped down version of his choir (about 30 voices) and perform a version of ‘High’ by the Lighthouse Family that he had arranged. It was a spine tingling moment when we had our first run through just after soundcheck – what a powerful sound!

Thankfully, the collaboration was a success and the uplifting first dance set us all up for a fantastic night, with loads of dancing and singing, and even some quasi-hooliganistic launching of the groom into the air by some of the rowdier male guests…

Have a peek at the photos and see us (and their guests!) in action… – we’re in the nighttime shots.

And if you’re looking for a band to whip your guests up into a similar state, just get in touch!

Gillan x


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